
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Entrepreneur... thy name is Lisa?

I have been thinking - alot - lately about opening my own business... a hybrid book and knitting store, with a cafe... KnitLit Cafe or some such nonsense. Very "someone's living room" times 20 - huge overstuffed couches, coffee, SnB meetings, with an online store for yarn, and also knitted goods on consignment. Kind of a melting pot of everything I ever want to be surrounded by.

BUT there are already great yarn stores locally who I would not want to detract from. Is there such a thing as too much yarn? One local store is closing; so does that just maintain equilibrium? On the other hand, there are some average yarn stores nearby that are my model for what I don't want to do - have too small a selection, be too cramped and crowded, be snooty or unapproachable.

I think I am going to start by canvassing my local crafters - trying to get a feel for whether there is room for another shop - and work on the business plan as well. (My poor hubby won't know what hit him.) I don't think it will ever make me rich, but I might like it if I was my jerk boss, instead of someone else....


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